1 00:00:00,630 --> 00:00:01,250 Hello there. 2 00:00:01,260 --> 00:00:03,770 Welcome to this video. 3 00:00:03,800 --> 00:00:14,820 In this video I will walk you through how to access the web console and scratch power which is built 4 00:00:14,900 --> 00:00:17,870 into modern zulauf Firefox. 5 00:00:17,970 --> 00:00:25,540 You will need to have the Mozilla Firefox web browser installed so you can follow along with this. 6 00:00:25,560 --> 00:00:29,500 You do if you haven't got it installed. 7 00:00:29,580 --> 00:00:33,860 A quick Google search will show you how to do that. 8 00:00:33,930 --> 00:00:45,420 The console issue used to run or execute a single line of code is suitable if you just got a single 9 00:00:45,420 --> 00:00:52,790 line of code to run and it can be accessed from any web browser. 10 00:00:52,880 --> 00:00:55,110 If 12 key. 11 00:00:55,440 --> 00:01:05,790 Moore's Web browsers have a console a web console which you can access using the F 12 key I'm going 12 00:01:05,790 --> 00:01:15,140 to access the web console from my Some poor web page so I could add out to 12 or right click on the 13 00:01:15,160 --> 00:01:20,840 page and click on inspect elements. 14 00:01:21,280 --> 00:01:31,220 Then if I expand this a bit click on How I should expand it further and choose see the world console. 15 00:01:31,230 --> 00:01:33,230 Click on console. 16 00:01:33,750 --> 00:01:37,940 There are different things the tool does. 17 00:01:37,940 --> 00:01:42,560 But what we focus on in this video is just the use of the console. 18 00:01:42,840 --> 00:01:45,970 So I'll just drag that a bit. 19 00:01:46,080 --> 00:01:53,540 So this this be console you can write a piece of code if he just got one line of code to execute. 20 00:01:53,620 --> 00:01:54,520 He can do that. 21 00:01:54,570 --> 00:01:59,040 So I'm just going to write a simple arithmetic calculating. 22 00:01:59,070 --> 00:02:06,800 You going to do for class 5 and then he turned the keyboard. 23 00:02:07,080 --> 00:02:08,750 So give me the answer of nine. 24 00:02:08,760 --> 00:02:13,140 Four plus five line I'm going to do is drink 25 00:02:16,110 --> 00:02:25,880 and just say hello. 26 00:02:26,110 --> 00:02:36,450 So give him the result for the string and then give me a result for the addition by default list. 27 00:02:36,600 --> 00:02:41,230 The theme that comes with the console is light. 28 00:02:41,320 --> 00:02:43,100 I have changed my into a dog team. 29 00:02:43,110 --> 00:02:48,340 If you like the may want to change it you click on this option here. 30 00:02:48,360 --> 00:02:54,350 The tool box option and on the themes you can select the Dark team. 31 00:02:54,540 --> 00:02:55,890 Chrysler use a duct tape. 32 00:02:55,940 --> 00:03:01,760 If you want to like one eCom size default anyway so you don't need to change that. 33 00:03:02,100 --> 00:03:11,370 We're going to access the scratch pad the scratch pad allows you to experiment with multiple lines of 34 00:03:11,370 --> 00:03:20,130 javascript directly inside the web browser without writing any hishe to email or see a source code so 35 00:03:20,130 --> 00:03:27,180 you just write your code inside as crash pad and run it and it all interact with a web browser to display 36 00:03:27,240 --> 00:03:30,850 the results so to access the crash pad. 37 00:03:31,290 --> 00:03:39,780 You should have an icon here so this will see the icons so if you click click on the cycle here that 38 00:03:39,780 --> 00:03:40,530 is crash back. 39 00:03:40,530 --> 00:03:51,060 If you haven't got this crash paradigm on this play if you click on the tool box options then scroll 40 00:03:51,060 --> 00:03:55,050 down to waste a valuable tool box buttons. 41 00:03:55,170 --> 00:03:59,460 Make sure the one for the scratch pad is checked. 42 00:03:59,750 --> 00:04:08,250 If this chair then the issue is should pop up in the in the menu here so I'll just click on it to access 43 00:04:08,250 --> 00:04:11,240 that right. 44 00:04:11,280 --> 00:04:14,520 Hi this is my scratch pad. 45 00:04:15,270 --> 00:04:24,210 Me me scratch pad it's launched you'll have some text here basically just giving you some tips on how 46 00:04:24,210 --> 00:04:28,980 to use the the tool saw one going to do. 47 00:04:28,980 --> 00:04:38,860 I'm going to write a few lines of code here and try and execute it inside the scratch pad. 48 00:04:39,150 --> 00:04:47,660 I have a rating for line of could hear the first one is a prompt So it will prompt an answer question. 49 00:04:47,700 --> 00:04:49,260 Second is confirm. 50 00:04:49,300 --> 00:04:52,620 Again ask something occurred. 51 00:04:52,740 --> 00:04:55,930 Second saw. 52 00:04:55,930 --> 00:04:57,710 Second sort of lock. 53 00:04:57,990 --> 00:04:59,760 Basically what this will do. 54 00:04:59,990 --> 00:05:06,110 It will log what in between this person is it will love that to the console. 55 00:05:06,150 --> 00:05:11,280 So the result of this line 14 quote We show up in the consul here. 56 00:05:11,450 --> 00:05:17,300 And then the alert will show up inside the web browser the Confirm will show inside the web browser 57 00:05:17,350 --> 00:05:20,550 the prompt will show inside the web browser. 58 00:05:20,990 --> 00:05:26,130 Use using the scratch pad if you run the code you've got it. 59 00:05:26,180 --> 00:05:29,010 We will execute all the code. 60 00:05:29,320 --> 00:05:32,940 If Coleman wanted to run the first one you need to highlight it. 61 00:05:32,960 --> 00:05:36,950 If not you will execute on the patent. 62 00:05:37,040 --> 00:05:43,240 So you need to highlight if you low on a test one line of code or you can also use a console. 63 00:05:43,250 --> 00:05:50,870 If you want a test just one line of code so it runs the code from top to bottom left to right. 64 00:05:50,880 --> 00:05:54,870 That is how our job our script code runs. 65 00:05:54,890 --> 00:06:03,470 So if I run this now you see that you will show the first one are quick on run the first one How are 66 00:06:03,470 --> 00:06:04,230 you. 67 00:06:04,490 --> 00:06:06,860 Hi Just say hi. 68 00:06:07,390 --> 00:06:12,690 Q Second one asking a question do you want a master. 69 00:06:12,740 --> 00:06:13,260 Yes. 70 00:06:13,290 --> 00:06:15,690 Yes means javascript. 71 00:06:15,900 --> 00:06:17,220 You can click. 72 00:06:17,240 --> 00:06:19,880 So say no click okay. 73 00:06:19,990 --> 00:06:20,630 Yep. 74 00:06:21,140 --> 00:06:29,580 And then the third one is and then they got the third one a console got log which is this one here. 75 00:06:29,600 --> 00:06:32,980 I appreciate your time is logged it to the console. 76 00:06:33,020 --> 00:06:37,910 If you don't use it for that log it doesn't log the message on there. 77 00:06:37,910 --> 00:06:45,560 So the console logs telling it to show this message here inside the console and then the final message 78 00:06:45,590 --> 00:06:48,570 is the alert box with a message. 79 00:06:48,590 --> 00:06:50,310 Thank you so much for watching. 80 00:06:50,400 --> 00:06:52,010 See here. 81 00:06:52,130 --> 00:07:00,690 So this is how you would use this scratch pad the console built in to the olah fire fork. 82 00:07:01,310 --> 00:07:10,190 In this video I'm showing you how to access the web console and the scratch pad which is built in to 83 00:07:10,190 --> 00:07:12,430 Mozilla Firefox. 84 00:07:12,440 --> 00:07:14,590 Thank you so much for watching. 85 00:07:14,600 --> 00:07:18,470 I always value your time and hope to see you again soon. 86 00:07:18,470 --> 00:07:19,390 Take care. 87 00:07:19,430 --> 00:07:20,420 Bye for now.